Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Love Rain - Korean Series

I am a fan of Korean series too, as most Filipino's are now a days. The Korean Series never failed to capture Filipino's heart as we can easily relate to its stories and "Kilig" romantic moments. I have few favorites like Coffee Prince, Lover's in Paris (where I think we all started), She's Beautiful, Marry me Marry and few Taiwanese Series too like Started with A kiss and the epic Meteor Garden.

I like watching Jang Geung Suk more since I saw him on Marry me Marry. "She's Beautiful" was quite funny and interesting too. I like light romantic comedy. I am no Drama Queen so I am not really into those heavy dramas.  Lately, I cannot find my taste in the latest Korean series that came out. So I was happy to find "Love Rain" by Jang Geung Suk

Since I am a Jang Geung Suk fan as you can put it. I stumble to his latest Korean Series "Love Rain". The story of this series is not so far from other stories but I like the concept of 2 generations of Love Story. The first setting was a bit Old School like 60's to 70's years. This part tackled a more heart warming and serious love story but with a touch of friendships and music. The story was cut to a heartbreaking ending then continued to a present with a more romantic comedy version of the 2nd generation with the continuation of the love story of the pass... 

I don't want to write much about the plot to avoid spoiling the moment for others. I personally recommend this series for those who want to see some relaxing, romantic Korean series that we all love!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

KL Malaysia

I'm waiting for boarding while writing this note. Just want to put into writing what i think of this country before i leave. Just on few minutes after touch down i can already smell the rich culture.

'Malaysia has the diversity. I can see a lot of Indian and Muslims but i cannot recognize Malaysian from their faces coz they look so Filipino to me. The city is not much different from PH. i like seeing girls with the cloth on their head. Muslim culture is not new to me and i know a lot about this religion.I see the woman beautiful and pure with this cloth or behind a lot of cloth.

i think you can only see the skin from the hand and the face. I wonder how it feels as the city is also hot. One thing that amazed me is the Indian culture. Too bad i wasn't able to hang out with one so i can ask questions about them.but i met few and I am amazed with how their culture build them up. There was this Indian girl i stared around 15minutes as she looked like an angel to me. The men seems to have a big factor.

i can feel that male gender is so dominant in this country. Safety here might be 100% sure but still okay. Food is really great. Its a spicy country as well so much check how much u can take. I had the chance to eat some street foods that is truly malaysia. Chinese community is quite high as well so i can still eat my favorite Chinese food. Bars here is not so alive as the other countries or maybe i was just not in the right place. All in all Malaysia was nice to me and cant forget that they still sun light until 7pm.

Im waiting for boarding while writing this note. Just want to put into writing what i think of this country before i leave. Just on few minutes after touch down i can already smell the rich culture.

'Malaysia has the diversity. I can see a lot of Indian and Muslims but i cannot recognize Malaysian from their faces coz they look so Filipino to me. The city is not much different from PH. i like seeing girls with the cloth on their head. Muslim culture is not new to me and i know a lot about this religion.I see the woman beautiful and pure with this cloth or behind a lot of cloth.

i think you can only see the skin from the hand and the face. I wonder how it feels as the city is also hot. One thing that amazed me is the Indian culture. Too bad i wasn't able to hang out with one so i can ask questions about them.but i met few and I am amazed with how their culture build them up. There was this Indian girl i stared around 15minutes as she looked like an angel to me. The men seems to have a big factor.

i can feel that male gender is so dominant in this country. Safety here might be 100% sure but still okay. Food is really great. Its a spicy country as well so much check how much u can take. I had the chance to eat some street foods that is truly Malaysia. Chinese community is quite high as well so i can still eat my favorite Chinese food. Bars here is not so alive as the other countries or maybe i was just not in the right place. All in all Malaysia was nice to me and cant forget that they still sun light until 7pm.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My own "Happiness Project"

During my last beach vacation, I saw this book hanging from my friend's bag and as I a book worm myself I cannot help to ask what is the book and what is it about. This is how I stumble upon the book "The Happiness Project" that made a difference in me. I read this book at once and the book is quite easy to read. Its like a narrative book by Gretchen Rubin on how she started her own "Happiness Project: I will not go into details with regards to the book as I don't want to be a spoiler, I just want to dedicate this post on what makes me happy. :)

Happy PEOPLE = Happy me :)

I am such a people person and I talk a lot. This is why I recognize that I am happy around people but not just people but happy people. I love hearing people's stories while sharing mine too. I love talking to those people who has the same interest like books, movies, music or just anything under the sun. I dearly remember people even with short acquaintances, I remember people I met in the plane or from some of my travels or from parties or just anywhere. And I treasure those I know for years coz friendship is happiness.

Me loving people is actually contradicting when I say that I am also happy with my alone time.

Me alone = Happy me :)

I am an only child, so i am used to having my alone time. I learn to know what I want to do in times that I am alone. I love reading, watching TV or movies. I treasure moments like this as I am with myself. No body is an Island but it wont hurt to be alone for awhile coz being along means you can be yourself, do whatever you want without any pressure from anyone.

If my stomach is happy = Happy me :)

Almost my whole life I control what I eat. I grew up a bit chubby as I am an only child. My parents love giving me my favorites but when you hit puberty you don't want that extra cuteness you once had. But at this point of my life I recognized that good food can actually make me happy but it doesn't mean I just eat whatever. Feeling good about your body is also important so I am just trying to maintain a weight while enjoying the goodness of food.

Books = I'm Happy

Books is one of my weakness. Just being inside a book store can make me really happy. I used to just go in a book store and look around if I feel dull. Its like a energy source of place for me.  Reading is like an exercise for my brain. I love it when the story takes me anywhere, my imagination is actually the TV and I am picturing the scenes and the characters. I read whatever interest me. I even have this thing with books that I want it covered in a clear plastic before I read it. I just recently bought a Kindle due to its availability in our country and I an ecstatic with happiness when I got it and still very much happy while using it for my reading!

Playing Music = I'm Happy

I love music so much that I tried learning how to play guitar by myself when I was in my 5th grade. I used to have a band with some friends and I play bass. Playing music gives me a different type of happiness. Creating music is like creating a tune in the air that raises my soul into oblivion. Listening to music relaxes me too and gives me such focus especially when I'm working. But I cannot read a book while listening to music...:)

Writing = I'm Happy!

this is why I keep this blog.........

Monday, June 4, 2012

Loving your job is like having no job at all

They always say that its best to love the things that your are doing, especially your job. I remember what Morgan Freeman said when he accepted his award, he said that he love acting so much that he never felt acting as his job. And I can say that at this point of my life, I love my JOB!

I started working 2 weeks after I graduated college. I finished Mass communication and I was expected by people around me to work in a media or advertising companies, but I never did. Call center was the "IN" job back then and until now but I never wanted to just have a job for the sake of it. Though, my parents needed financial help from me especially that they actually did they best to send me to a good schools through out my schooling years.

My first interview was from a call center and I did not like it. The business area was a bit far from my house and I really did not like the fuzzy call center job with all the super accented "English". My 2nd interview rang the day after I saw the concert of Avril Lavigne, I was not prepared and I gave a time that I think the interviewer will reschedule me, but then she said she will wait for me to come so it was such a bummer. But then I signed the contract that day its not a call center job but customer service something, with all the fuzz from the concert I wasn't that sure what I signed. :)

Anyway, I worked as a customer service agent for chat and email for around 2 years before I got my first promotion. I was appointed to be a trainer but then I was given the English Customer Supervisor job for the new English account. This point of my career I learned a lot. I did what I can and learn from people around me as much as I can. I experience all ups and downs and deal with a lot of people and even culture wise since most of my bosses were expat.

A few years after, I was given the Managerial potion that then again gave me a lot of challenges. I was like a dog being eaten alive by sharks and running a 24/7 operation is not easy. I should be able to answer my phone any time and anywhere. I was working my ass off working around 12 to 17 hours a day. I faced a lot of bossy, discriminative and people who are using their powers but I also met people who has patience and the will to let me learn. I never regret a day because I will never recognize a good company if I never experienced a hard one.

Leaving my first job and my company for 6 years was one of the hardest decision in my life but also the best. I rested for 2 months and became an writer for websites, it was a home based work but I really enjoyed it as well, I love writing but then my calling rang my bell. I need to be part of something to be able to feel the fulfillment of having a job.

I never stop listening and learning, my goal is to learn and be good in what I do. And I do believe that handling people is the hardest job as I am expose to different attitude and skills. You can always reboot a computer but you cannot reboot a person.

I've been mentoring and trying my best to flourish people for more than 6 years now and I can say that this is the best Job ever!  Having the best job doesn't mean having the easiest one. For me, its about the learning's. I am very happy when I see my subordinate being good and excelling in what they do. I always tell them that they should believe in themselves as I believed in them.

I applied for a Marketing position instead of pursuing my managerial experience, i was thinking to rest from handling people but i knew this is me. My faith is to be able to guide people and here I am Managing my team and I am loving this job. My heart is full of fulfillment especially when they appreciate how I took care and tried to teach them. This is the best job for me because handling people made me way better person and fulfilled.