Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The mean girls

I think most of us will not forget high school. Its the years of fitting in. The age of hormones rising and all just want to be in the cool crowd. I remember my high school years very well, i graduated back in 2001 so it wasn't that long. I remember high school like how a jungle was defined. Its a cool place but there's a lot of species. In any high school, you will always have the nerds or the geeks that will have more friends than they have if its exam days. As always there comes the beauty queen or the so called crush of the nation. These girls are like the dream girls of all the boys around you. If you have a barbie in the campus,then you have a Ken! The reason of most girls why they wake up early and make sure they look their best before going to class. Then you have the bullies, the guys who just like making fun of people, pointing and laughing is like their hobby. But then, you have The mean girls!! The most hated of all girls as they will try to intimidate you the best way they can. They are also bullies, the reason why you do not want to go to school. The queen of the campus that everyone should follow, hail and serve. Just like the movies Jaw breakers and Mean girls.... Its quite funny remembering high school at this age.

But sometimes i think i was never out of high school coz these Mean Girls still exist even after these hormonal years. I don't know how this kind of people pop out anywhere, like your neighborhood, company, organization or some industry you belong..its just that its quite common to have these people( not necessary girls ) who wants to feel superior than others. Other people's loneliness is their happiness.

As i was always been even back in high school i never hail to a queen. I believe in equality in any way. Gender or in any status any person might have. Its not right to act superior than others. No one can be better than anyone. You will only have the right to feel better and act better than others if your fart smells like perfume. If not, stay humble and never make others feel bad about themselves. I am not a saint not to be able to hurt people around me but intentional criticism or bullying is way different from just acting as a human

I saw that a lot of people are trying to implement Anti Bullying Law. Hope this will help wash off the attitude of the so called Mean Girls, Hail to the Queen!

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